Political Quiz & Second String.


Voice of Reason posted a political quiz where you can find out your “political definition”. I thought it look interesting so I took it. My results are posted above. I’m not exactly shocked by them 🙂

On this same site you can compare your results with different politicians view-points. It’s a useful link in a crowded political areana!

Voice of Reason also posted info on what he calls the Second String in the political race (those running that don’t have a huge chance.) I found this post interesting because it is sometimes difficult to learn about these candidates view points since main-stream media does not cover them much.

I would love it if you took the quiz if you could come back and report what you got. I think it would be interesting to see what we get. No judgement, just curiuos.

10 Responses to “Political Quiz & Second String.”

  1. 1 misi May 3, 2007 at 11:31 am

    E, I am not sure how to paste my results from the diagram so I will tell you I came out bottom right corner 50% in between populist and right conservative.

  2. 2 jeff /husband May 3, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    thought you’d like to see…

  3. 3 momlovesbeingathome May 3, 2007 at 12:34 pm

    Cool quiz! This was neat because you could actually get an explanation for each question! A lot of quizzes like this will ask a question and I don’t get it but this was great!

    My dot was in the right conservative box close to the bottom near populist.

  4. 4 nicole fortunato May 3, 2007 at 1:18 pm

    ok, so. . .i’m ‘liberal leaning populist.’ will you still be my friend?! 🙂 i can’t upload my picture/graph, but i’m directly under ‘moderate’ in the ‘populist’ box. . . i wish i could tell you i knew what that meant! thanks for showing me this link, i was JUST asking someone about a website that would ‘rank’ where i stand. my opinions have changed in the last 8 years a lot.

  5. 5 stevereenie May 3, 2007 at 2:36 pm

    Good Post! . . . . . Next Stop Lauderdale

  6. 6 mommyzabs May 3, 2007 at 2:46 pm

    Misi, I emailed you on how you can post pictures in the comments. If anyone else is wondering that you can hit the email me button and let me know and i will write you back.

    MLBAH, no surprise our beliefs aren’t far off.

    Nicole, I’ll always love you 😉 I’m not surprised we are differnet on some things… but i also know that we believe the same on a lot of importnant things. We just may disagree how to get there someimes.

    Dad, Play the game!

  7. 7 the Grit May 3, 2007 at 3:19 pm

    Hi mz,

    I played, and suspect I that beat you at being uber-conservative. This, of course, shows that the quiz is a bit off, since I am really a Libertarian, with my main goal being to get the Government to leave me alone! Still, given our limited choices where politics is concerned…

    the Grit

  8. 8 avoiceofreason May 3, 2007 at 4:09 pm

    I am a moderate/centrist but am close to populist.
    However, I have taken others which tend to put me pretty smack dab in the middle.

    In a SHAMELESS plug for another similar survey I put up, you can also rate your ideal candidate.

    Your Ideal Candidate

  9. 9 Erston May 3, 2007 at 4:35 pm

    Nice quiz. I ended up an inch closer to moderate when it probably should have been an inch closer to libertarian. Some responses that pulled me towards the middle should be read as indifference to a position rather than support of it. The voice of reason survey was more accurate for me. The top 15 spots were all GOP or Libertarian and the last 11 were all Democrats getting under 45%.

  1. 1 What is your political definition? « Mom loves being at home Trackback on May 3, 2007 at 12:41 pm

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