I got tagged booklist

I’m going to start this with 2 disclaimers….

1. I’m normally insecure doing MEME’s, and If I knew THIS lovely lady better, I would maybe not even do it, but alas, I have been tagged. I do like her. And I don’t know her well enough to be rude and not do it!

2. I used to be in book club and absolutely loved any literature classes I took. I know you are surprised because I write conversationally rather than what is most likely “proper”. But I love analyzing literature. But for the life of me right now… book list? I mean I have a ton I’m in the middle of right now… but for some reason it seems rather vulnerable! I’m going to mix it up and put a couple that I do like and a couple I’m currently reading.

    Okay now for the booklist MEME:

1. Brave New Word- One of my ABSOLUTE favorites. A must read for everyone. Foundational. Philisophical. So much to talk about. I love it.

2. When People are Big and God is Small (Edward T. Welch)– I think this would be a good read for anyone that believes in God. It was recommended by our pastor and is very biblically sound.

3. The Grief Recovery Handbook (James and Freidman)– I recommend this for anyone that has gone through loss of someone they love, divorce, big move, loss of job, death of pet. Basically if you are grieving or feel you may need to. It is not a Christian book, but I have only found one line so far that I would edit out. It is pretty eye-opening about how our culture perpetuates false ideas about grief. It isn’t a huge book, but if you are using it to deal with something, it isn’t one you should fly through.

4. Empowered Evangelicals (Rich Nathan)– I feel like it is pretty balanced. I know the topic is really a divider in areas of the church. But I suggest everyone give the book a fair shake. Really describes what I believe well.

5. I Don’t Have to Make Everything All Better (Lundburg)– It was just recommended that I read this and that I pay close attentin to the passage on Parenting.

Now for the even more stressful part. WHO to tag? Argh.
Heidi Jo, Hydro74girl,Tieki, Anne, Kristy, and Caroline

6 Responses to “I got tagged booklist”

  1. 1 the Grit April 25, 2007 at 3:11 pm

    Hi mz,

    There is no way I could pick just 5. Besides, how do you count a series? Does the Hobbit count separate from The Lord of the Rings? Besides, this sort of thing tempts people into dishonesty, as they will want to impress others with high brow stuff, instead of what they really enjoy. Like the publicly displayed magazines and books in the living room, and the trashy stuff on the bed side table.

    the Grit

  2. 2 mommyzabs April 25, 2007 at 3:13 pm

    grit, i largely agree (minus the trashy bedside table). these things are hard for me to do. and i always feel very unimpressive.

  3. 3 mommyzabs April 25, 2007 at 3:14 pm

    but again, southern girl at heart is a new friend and I’d do it for her 🙂

  4. 4 tieki rae April 25, 2007 at 6:59 pm

    Thanks for the tag. Do you think that I know you well enough to be rude and not do it? 😉 Haha, just kidding. I’ll try to work that up (I agree with Grit that it is so hard to just limit it to five, and to be honest rather than pretentious!), but if it doesn’t happen for a few weeks, know it’s only because I have a billion final essays I should be writing. 🙂

  5. 5 southerngirlmusings April 26, 2007 at 6:37 pm

    So, when you get to know me better are you going to be rude. 😉 Just kidding, thanks for doing it and I am interested in book #2, so I will have to check that out. I probably should read the grief one but not now. Thanks again.

  1. 1 On Books and Birthdays « Haemet Yeshachrer Otcha Trackback on May 13, 2007 at 12:58 am

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