Archive for the 'Blogging' Category



I’m finally moving to my own little domain where I have tons of room to grow in any direction I want! For now It looks mostly the same as this, but I hope to change, grow, and expand as time (and abilities) permit ๐Ÿ™‚ Please PLEASE change your feed, bookmark, and/or blogroll for me. I value the relationships I have made thus far and hope to not lose you!

BIG THANKS out to Kyle for space and expertise and Layguy for your time and expertise. I couldn’t have moved with out you guys. And MamaBlogga thank you for the information, term-defining you did for me as well.

So now move with me (and don’t forget to change your subscription and links!)

PS- Rumor has it this doesn’t work on firefox. Please email me if this site doesn’t work on your browser so that I can deal with it! ๐Ÿ™‚

FYI- Archived Posts

In the process of working on my new site I needed to take down the posts I imported from blogger… So in case you have a lot of time on your hands, are uber:bored and wanted to read my posts over the last 2.5 years… You will have to wait, temporarily you can only access posts from April 2007 and on ๐Ÿ™‚

Pictures From Last Week

While Iโ€™m 100% distracted trying to work on my new site and get my old feeds transferred, I thought I would throw up some pictures from the last week. I hesitate to post much after I write a blog that means a lot to me, such as my post on Organ Harvesting, I get nervous pushing it toward the bottom of my page by posting more. So PLEASE if you have no read it do that first.

On to the photos.

The boys in my favorite stroller at the Memorial Day Parade on Mondayโ€ฆ my battery drained shortly after.


This was an accident, but I think it is fun. The boys are blurry, in movement, but you can still see happiness on their faces. I should probably lighten it up though.


What is it with little boys and mommyโ€™s shoes?


As real as it getsโ€ฆ Me and Owen.


The kids love bubbles (so does mom,) so we do them often. In many forms! This is a picture of a bubble in the stormy sky.


Another Bubble.

The innocent ponderings of a child.


Owen in his bubbles.


Best Friends.


Busy little-boy feet.


Perfection of imperfection! Picture of our backyard going out to our driveway. Complete with new cable line (that hasnโ€™t been dug yet,) my finger, weed bagโ€ฆ etc.


I take a lot of pictures of my flowers and never publish them. This is one of my blooming clematis. Iโ€™ll try to post more flower pictures this summer.


More Flowers.



Owen on the slide.


With Lukie at the bottom.


My Hot Husband putting O in the swing.


Getting ready to go out with the boys. One of their favorite things to do ! And you can see it in their faces.


Moving from wordpress to wordpress HELP!

This post will not apply to most of you… but I need computer help. I am exporting all my old entries to my new domain name where wordpress has been installed… and when I go to import them it tells me it was completed, but they aren’t there? What is going on? Anyone have a clue?

IFF. (Internet Free Friday)

IFF, Today will be on leave. 2 days this week I was already free of internet… so in the heart of the reason I have left Fridays internet free… I am releasing myself from it this week. After all, I’m not legalistic ๐Ÿ˜‰ But it will be back on next Friday as usual (unless someone else cuts my cable line early in the week.)

Gosh- I still have so much catching up to do. I’m down to only 62 unread posts. Too bad I love reading blogs as much as I love writing them! Otherwise I would just not do it, but I love hearing the thoughts of so many intelligent, creative people out there!

I also have a question to those of you who are regulars here… if I moved to my own domain would you still read? I have had for a bit now, but haven’t been ready to move. I don’t have the time to switch right now, but probably will do it eventually… I just get nervous about the prospect that people won’t change their links to me, and won’t come visit any longer. I still have so many coming from my blogger site daily who have not updated my web address on their bookmarks. Will another change so soon rock the boat? Will I suddenly be only talking to myself out there in cyberworld?

Moving would give me so much creative freedom! I have so many ideas, but can’t really execute them as much here. The pros and cons have me all confused. Feedback?

I Have Been Totally Absent

Tuesday morning our grass and flower beds were being edged… they hit our cable line… sliced it clear through. So we have been without phone, cable, and internet…. So I apologize for starting a big ole home school discussion then falling off the face of the earth. I came back to way too many emails for a non-work-world girl. And many comments that had to be approved to be posted. If you are wondering why yours didn’t show for awhile… that is why. I’m back though and trying to catch up when I should be sleeping!

Tomorrow I will read through more of the amazingly thorough feedback you left me on home-schooling and either comment or email back! I will also go and read all the links to the posts linked to from this post.

Did any of that make sense… I’m totally throwing this post out fast just to explain where I have been, no edit…. which leads me to posting what I wrote just before my internet crashed. And I’m totally not following my own rules in this post ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ Give me grace on this one ๐Ÿ™‚

I am Not Spam Thank-You

Okay so I am not sure if someone is playing a practicle joke on me???? but I just discovered my comments are going into spam folders. I found this out by finding my own comment on my own page in a spam folder. And i just finally got around to commenting on blogs in my circles… SO if you see me in your spam folder, please remove me ๐Ÿ™‚ I have written WordPress and hope to be released soon. If you thought this was a funny joke, just know this post isn’t one of me being angry. Honestly, I don’t really care, just thought I would let people know that they should check there spam folders for me. It just made me laugh today, everything is making me laugh today. Oh except for the 3 times Owen ran from me when I was trying to get him in time-out, now THAT was not funny.

Cool Mommy-Blog WordPress Themes

Heather Bixler (a commentor here) designs really fun themes for wordpress and they aren’t very expensive at all to use! Go here to check out her newest pre-made templates. They are just too cute, and if I wasn’t into making my own mastheads I would definitely purchase one. And no I’m not getting any kickbacks ๐Ÿ™‚ I just really like them! She only sells each theme once so get them while they’re still there!

Longer Summer Days Mean Less Time


There seems to be a corresponding relationship with the beautiful time of year arriving and a decrease in my blogging. After 2.5 years and counting in the blogosphere I also notice this happens during the holidays. I suppose it all makes sense. But I have been so good about posting everyday, and almost always 2 times a day! This may have to go down for awhile. After-all, as much as I love you all, and love this hobby… Chasing my children outdoors becomes the priority. The pool isn’t even open yet, and when It does I know I will spend a lot of time there as well.

Today was absolutely lovely. 76 degrees, low humidity, Ahhhhh. The kids actually slept in (but they have been going to bed so late!) I loved my morning coffee and spending time in the Bible. I put up the bouncer for the boys because Owen was begging for it. They played outside together so well that I was able to work on one of my back garden beds! We grabbed lunch on the go and headed to a local greenhouse. They behaved perfectly for a whole hour while I browsed trees, shrubs, and perrinials. They went down for naps and I planted 4 plants and bounced some landscape ideas off of my neighbor. In all my gardening today I only saw 2 worms… and there were no other bugs to be found. After that I woke up the boys, picked up a cousin, and headed to the gym for a spin class. Then I took a NICE LONG SHOWER there, blow dried my hair (a luxury for mommy,) and then headed out for dinner. The boys were moderately well behaved for not having dinner until 7:30. It’s 10:20 pm and just finished bathing the boys, putting them to bed, putting dishes away… and I’m finally at my computer. I’m exhausted and waiting for Jeff to get back up here so we can watch 24.

For mothers’ day the boys got me a mani/pedi:) . Jeff scheduled it for tomorrow… so I will be thoroughly enjoying that! Things are pretty amazing right now. Exhausting, but good exhausting.

I have so many things I want time enough to write about… but as my list grows my time shrinks! So hopefully I will get a chunk of time to do that and schedule them to future post!

Oh yeah, I also got a farmer tan yesterday and today, so it looks like I’m going to have to fix that before the wedding I am in this weekend! OOPS!

I’m off for now.

Goodnight blog world.

Update & a Blogging Time-saver!

I’m back from yet another Friday off. I actually took a nap during the kids’ naptime. My day off provided me with nice rest, a much needed break. This weekend we have a wedding (that owen is in!) and the same for next weekend (a wedding I am in). This means my RSS feeder will probably be incredibly full with unread posts. I’m a little bit Type-A to say the least and seem to have a weird issues with large numbers in my parentheses! (that would be the number of the unread posts, for those unfamiliar with it.) I will just have to push past that though ๐Ÿ™‚

I feel like I have read a lot lately from different friends on how time on the internet is getting to overwhelming. Several of you have newly discovered the blessing of RSS feed reading to save time! I am going to share with you another time-saver for those who post blogs! I learnerd it from Pro-Blogger who Brit & Grit tipped me to. BUT it was just this weekend that I realized WordPress actually has a complete function for this!

Its called ‘Future Post’. It gives you the ability to write posts ahead of time and pick a time and date for it to automatically post! You may wonder why this matters if you don’t care about your traffic. Let me tell you why.

Let’s say you get 2 hours to post about once a week but you have so much you want to say, topics on your heart you want to engage discussion in. If you just go ahead and post 5 different posts in one shot you may find people only read the top one or two. The readers’ time is precious too. I know as a frequent reader that when there are too many posts on one blog to read I often don’t get through all of them. With this feature you could write all 5 but publish them on different days. That way if you write a post that is important to you it is more likely it will be read!

I was doing this before today by simply writing posts, saving them as draft, and then manually hitting PUBLISH when I wanted to post them. I sent feedback to wordpress on Thursday saying it would be great to have a way to actually schedule posts. They wrote me back saying they already have it!

If this is something that interests you, and WordPress is your host, CLICK HERE If you use another format for your blog you may want to write their support and ask if they have the same function. So from now on you MAY see me posting on Friday, but don’t be decieved, I’m not on the internet- Its the ghost of wordpress.

I’m off to spend time with the family on this gorgeous day. Sometime this weekend I will probably post pictures of Owen in a tux and jumping in his new bouncer!

OH WAIT one more thing- I moved my blogroll to a seperate page! So if you are looking to browse blogs go above to the tab that says “BlogRollCall”. I actually may have lost one or two in the process which I’m sure I will be adding back in when I have time. Also, if you feel I have catagorized your blog incorrectly, please drop me a line or comment and I will change it.

Have a beautiful weekend!

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