Archive for the 'Internet' Category



I’m finally moving to my own little domain where I have tons of room to grow in any direction I want! For now It looks mostly the same as this, but I hope to change, grow, and expand as time (and abilities) permit 🙂 Please PLEASE change your feed, bookmark, and/or blogroll for me. I value the relationships I have made thus far and hope to not lose you!

BIG THANKS out to Kyle for space and expertise and Layguy for your time and expertise. I couldn’t have moved with out you guys. And MamaBlogga thank you for the information, term-defining you did for me as well.

So now move with me (and don’t forget to change your subscription and links!)

PS- Rumor has it this doesn’t work on firefox. Please email me if this site doesn’t work on your browser so that I can deal with it! 🙂

IFF. (Internet Free Friday)

IFF, Today will be on leave. 2 days this week I was already free of internet… so in the heart of the reason I have left Fridays internet free… I am releasing myself from it this week. After all, I’m not legalistic 😉 But it will be back on next Friday as usual (unless someone else cuts my cable line early in the week.)

Gosh- I still have so much catching up to do. I’m down to only 62 unread posts. Too bad I love reading blogs as much as I love writing them! Otherwise I would just not do it, but I love hearing the thoughts of so many intelligent, creative people out there!

I also have a question to those of you who are regulars here… if I moved to my own domain would you still read? I have had for a bit now, but haven’t been ready to move. I don’t have the time to switch right now, but probably will do it eventually… I just get nervous about the prospect that people won’t change their links to me, and won’t come visit any longer. I still have so many coming from my blogger site daily who have not updated my web address on their bookmarks. Will another change so soon rock the boat? Will I suddenly be only talking to myself out there in cyberworld?

Moving would give me so much creative freedom! I have so many ideas, but can’t really execute them as much here. The pros and cons have me all confused. Feedback?

A Changed Work World for the Stay-at-Home Mom

I read a really interesting article on a blog called Pick the Brain.

The post addresses how at an increasing rate, with the aid of technology, people are working in non-traditional situations, often from remote locations. The blog makes this point:

In the case of the modern information worker, nearly all tasks involve creative or strategic thinking. The way someone answers an email or interprets a piece of information can differ drastically depending on his or her energy level. Nobody does their best work 5:30 in the afternoon after they’ve been sucking down coffee all day to stay awake.”

I agree.

Pick the Brain argues that most people aren’t continually effective on an 8 hour schedule, that there are peaks and vallies throughout the day. I would agree with this. Why be at work during the vallies and cause the employer to have to pay for that time? I think they put it well when they state it this way,

When workers reach the low energy part of the cycle, they can’t recharge with a non-work activity. The only option is office purgatory. You can’t be highly productive because you’re mentally fatigued, but you can’t recharge because the 8 hour work day requires the appearance of constant productivity. The result is millions of unproductive workers trapped at their desks when they’d rather be doing something else.”

I would also argue that what may be a typically productive time of day for one person, may not one for another. Why not tailor your work day to the hours you work best? Middle of the night? Early in the morning? After lunch until prime-time? When the kids are napping? After they go to bed? You get the point.

Why does this topic interest a non-working, stay-at-home mother of two toddlers? For a few reasons:

1. Even though the technology was not there when I was younger… I ALWAYS pictured working from home via computer and video conference. It was a rare occasion if I pictured it differently.

2. Withen 3 years of joining the career driven workforce, I started working from home via computer and occasional meetings at starbucks :).

3. Should I ever rejoin the workforce, it will be from home. It will be via computer, video conference etc. The schedule will fit into times when I am not taking care of and/or educating my children.

In an article from the Los Angelas Times, by James Flanigan, posted on AOL Jobs entiteled Working at Home Pays Off for Firms.

Flanigan uses a case study from Jet Blue. He points out,

JetBlue has 700 reservation agents working from their abodes (one pictures them sitting there in their robes and slippers, the fridge just a few feet away) with company-supplied personal computers and second phone lines.

To be sure, their wages of $8.50 to $10 an hour are way above the $2 to $3 a day that call-center operators in India and the Philippines often earn.”

Jet Blues Chief Executive David Needleman shares,

“With home working you get more mature people who stay with you,” he says. “There isn’t constant turnover.” What’s more, he adds, employees who take care of business from home tend to “feel better” about their jobs, boosting productivity by an estimated 25 percent.”

Flanigan also uses AT&T to illustrate the benefits of “homesourcing” workers.

“AT&T Corp., for its part, reported that last year it “received over $180 million in operating benefit from telework” — tasks performed away from the office by U.S.-based network planners, human-resources managers, sales personnel and others. With fewer corporate facilities to buy and furnish, real-estate savings accounted for a significant portion of the number.

The advantages for companies employing people to work at home continue to grow along with technological developments. Though not all jobs can be sourced from home, (eg. doctors, pilots, regulated companies, etc,) Many jobs can, and many employers are thinking out of “the box”.

I have the ability to stay home and not work right now and gladly accept it. But someday my children will be a little older, I will be done having more, and my driven brain will not going to cease to exist! At this point I know I will love working from home again, to what capacity? I am not sure. But I’m EXTREMELY thankful that we now live in a world capeable of it.

The Pick the Brain blog sums it up by saying,

Forty years from now we’ll be telling our grandchildren about the olden days when everyone’s mommy and daddy went to work in an office.

He’s probably right!

Cool Mommy-Blog WordPress Themes

Heather Bixler (a commentor here) designs really fun themes for wordpress and they aren’t very expensive at all to use! Go here to check out her newest pre-made templates. They are just too cute, and if I wasn’t into making my own mastheads I would definitely purchase one. And no I’m not getting any kickbacks 🙂 I just really like them! She only sells each theme once so get them while they’re still there!

Longer Summer Days Mean Less Time


There seems to be a corresponding relationship with the beautiful time of year arriving and a decrease in my blogging. After 2.5 years and counting in the blogosphere I also notice this happens during the holidays. I suppose it all makes sense. But I have been so good about posting everyday, and almost always 2 times a day! This may have to go down for awhile. After-all, as much as I love you all, and love this hobby… Chasing my children outdoors becomes the priority. The pool isn’t even open yet, and when It does I know I will spend a lot of time there as well.

Today was absolutely lovely. 76 degrees, low humidity, Ahhhhh. The kids actually slept in (but they have been going to bed so late!) I loved my morning coffee and spending time in the Bible. I put up the bouncer for the boys because Owen was begging for it. They played outside together so well that I was able to work on one of my back garden beds! We grabbed lunch on the go and headed to a local greenhouse. They behaved perfectly for a whole hour while I browsed trees, shrubs, and perrinials. They went down for naps and I planted 4 plants and bounced some landscape ideas off of my neighbor. In all my gardening today I only saw 2 worms… and there were no other bugs to be found. After that I woke up the boys, picked up a cousin, and headed to the gym for a spin class. Then I took a NICE LONG SHOWER there, blow dried my hair (a luxury for mommy,) and then headed out for dinner. The boys were moderately well behaved for not having dinner until 7:30. It’s 10:20 pm and just finished bathing the boys, putting them to bed, putting dishes away… and I’m finally at my computer. I’m exhausted and waiting for Jeff to get back up here so we can watch 24.

For mothers’ day the boys got me a mani/pedi:) . Jeff scheduled it for tomorrow… so I will be thoroughly enjoying that! Things are pretty amazing right now. Exhausting, but good exhausting.

I have so many things I want time enough to write about… but as my list grows my time shrinks! So hopefully I will get a chunk of time to do that and schedule them to future post!

Oh yeah, I also got a farmer tan yesterday and today, so it looks like I’m going to have to fix that before the wedding I am in this weekend! OOPS!

I’m off for now.

Goodnight blog world.

I Gotta Ask… (crowd participation encouraged). Part 3

Last week not as many people participated in my little I gotta ask game. Maybe it was the quesitons? At any rate, I’ll try it again this Monday 🙂

1. What is your main source of news? Internet? T.V.? Newspaper? Do you care?

I probably get my news 50% from t.v. and 50% from the internet. I care a lot. Sometimes maybe too much.

2. Do you listen to music? a certain kind? All time favorites?

Yes- though I once was really up on it and now, well… I don’t get out much 🙂 I grew up with a ton of appreciation for the Beach Boys and Brian Wilson. I loved the Cure and Depeche mode but still was a fan of New Kids on the Block and Milli Vanilli (cut me some slack, I was 13). Then there was a femmes phase and then Elliot Smith. I went through a big billy holiday frank sinatra period… and now I like all sorts of things! From worship cd’s like Hungry or Matt Redman to The Fray and Camera Obscura. I think my taste is probably all over the place.

3. Do you have myspace or facebook?

Yes both. My personal myspace is private friends and family only. And my Facebook is of course private as well.

4. Is your interent dial up, cable, DSL? Wireless, Laptop, Desktop? Mac? PC?

Me- Cable, Wireless, Mac, Laptop.

5. Do you have an ipod? Other MP3 player.

Yes- I have a pink one that I got for a birthday from my husband a few years ago. And this year he gave me a pink shuffle for Vday. He has one of those Video ipods and a shuffle. We are pretty wired around here.

6. Are you addicted to the internet? How long are you on? What are you on for? work? social? research? news? all?

I hope I’m not, but close. Hence, the Fridays off. Luckily I’m pretty busy with the kids, playdates, and keeping house and life together so That keeps me from being a super addict. I would say I’m on 1.5-2 hours a day… but those are mostly nap time and night time. I am on for blogging, learning, and news.

That’s it for now, your turn. Please play 🙂 Don’t be shy.

Internet Free Fridays

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I have made a decision and I don’t really like it. For the time being I am going to be taking Fridays off of the internet. No blogging, No reading blogs, nothing internet related. Gosh- I’m afraid to say it… Not even email.

I just want to keep myself in check. You know “they say” that the internet is addictive. Apparently somehow it goes straight to the pleasure centers of the brain and that is part of the reason we love it so much. I don’t have a ton of research to site here, but that is what “they say” and until I have read the “facts” myself I will leave it at that.

So as I said, to keep myself in check Friday’s will be no internet day. As a commitment I have a new badge toward the bottom of my page that looks like the fun little icon on the top of the page. If anyone would like to join me in this and you want a badge, email me or comment and I will send it your way. Any takers?

Is the Internet Aiding the Growth of Child Porn?

Great Post on Verum Serum about the rise in Child Pronography due to the internet. If you have read me long you know that not too many topics upset me (those are tame terms since I won’t cuss on this site), like the victemization of children. Any kind. And especially the sexual kind.

And I have meant to before and forgotton. But Verum Serum will be added to my blogroll, check them out.

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